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KUS, RYAN & ASSOCIATES, PLLC 2851 High Meadow Circle, Ste. 120 Auburn Hills, MI 48326-2790 MORTGAGE SALE...

The Morning Sun, Price: $275,126.77, KUS, RYAN & ASSOCIATES, PLLC 2851 High Meadow Circle, Ste. 120 Auburn Hills, MI 48326-2790 MORTGAGE SALE – Default has been made in the conditions of a Mortgage made by BILLIE R. LESTER and SANDRA L. LESTER, Mortgagor, to LaSALLE BANK MIDWEST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (n/k/a BANK OF AMERICA), which Mortgage is dated June 28, 2006, recorded June 30, 2006 at Liber 1353, Page 847, Isabella County Records, which Mortgage was assigned and is currently held by JBI HOLDINGS, LLC, whose address is P.O. Box 447, Odessa, Florida 33556, pursuant to Assignment dated December 11, 2014, recorded on January 7, 2016 at Liber 1720, Page 431, Isabella County Records, , on which Mortgage there is claimed to be due as of January 15, 2016, the sum of Two Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand One Hundred Twenty-Six Dollars and 77/100 ($275,126.77), including interest at 8.26% per annum. The Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems (MERS) is not a foreclosing party. Under the power of sale contained in said Mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notice is hereby given that said Mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, at public vendue, at the West door of the Isabella County Courthouse in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, at 10:00 O’clock A.M., local time, on Thursday, March 3, 2016. Said premises are situated in the Township of Chippewa, Isabella County, Michigan, described as: The North 4 acres of the West 20 rods of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 14, Town 14 North, Range 3 West, except that part lying Northwesterly of the line described as beginning at the Northwest corner of said Section 14; thence South 02 degrees 01 minutes 44 seconds West, along the West line of said Section 14 a distance of 113.06 feet; thence North 65 degrees 38 minutes 36 seconds East, 36.84 feet to a point on the existing East right-of-way line of Wise Road (66 feet wide) and the beginning of a limited access right-of-way line (restricting all ingress and egress); thence continuing North 65 degrees 38 minutes 36 seconds East along the said limited access right-of-way line 142.03 feet to a point on the existing South right-of-way line of State Trunkline Highway M-20 and the end of said limited access line; thence continuing North 65 degrees 38 minutes 36 seconds East, 200 feet to the point of ending, Chippewa Township, Isabella County, Michigan. Now Surveyed and Described as: Part of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 14, Town 14 North, Range 3 West, Chippewa Township, Isabella County, Michigan, more particularly described as beginning at the Northwest corner of said Section 14; thence South 87 degrees 46 minutes 14 seconds East, along the North Section line, 330.00 feet; thence South 02 degrees 01 minutes 44 seconds West, parallel with the West Section line, 528.00 feet; thence North 87 degrees 46 minutes 14 seconds West, parallel with said North Section line, 330.00 feet; thence North 02 degrees 01 minutes 44 seconds East along said West Section line, 528.00 feet to the point of beginning. Commonly known as: 10010 E. Pickard Rd., Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 Tax ID No.: 02-014-10-013-00 The redemption period shall be six (6) months from the date of such sale. JBI HOLDINGS, LLC P.O. Box 447 Odessa, FL 33556 KUS, RYAN & ASSOCIATES, PLLC MICHAEL J. RYAN, ESQ. 2851 High Meadow Circle, Ste. 120 Auburn Hills, MI 48326-2790 (248) 364-3090 (02-01)(02-22)

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